Welcome to the 3rd Annual Finland-USA Business Roundtable 2018
9:00AM-9:30AM - Registration and Social
9:30AM-9:45AM – Introduction of participants
9:45AM-12:00 AM - Speakers
- Welcome from our co-host Claned
- Welcome from our Host - xEDU
- Minna LeVine, Chamber of Eco Commerce
- Tana Torrano, SMART Community Exchange Co-Founder
- Martti Blomberg, Ceriffi
- Ilkka Homanen, Cleantech Business Finland
- Pekka Ollikainen, Digitalization Business Finland
- Tuomi Lauri, Education Finland
- Aaron Held, US Embassy, Sr. Commercial Officer
12:00 Noon - 1:00PM - Business Roundtable and Working Lunch
1:00PM - Adjourn
- Share and learn from other participants
- Implement SMART Trade with USA program in your city, region, organization
- Meet influencers from Business, Government, Finance, Research, Academia, NGO, and Non-Profits
- Enter/expand your business effectively in the U.S.
- Attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Reach U.S. consumers and investors
- Join SMART research projects, partner projects in USA, and U.S. funded projects worldwide
- Become a testbed for new technology
- Scale your technology, products, services globally
- Host and participate in international Trade Missions, Partner Projects, Business Roundtables, Summits, Hackathons, Challenges, Meetups, and more
- Consult with SMART USA team of experts
- Discover SMART Export/Import opportunity
- Locate your business in a SMART Gateway City
- Participate in SMART USA Trade Program
Tickets by clicking this link: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?mfid=1524078849683_2aca7027218c1&flowlogging_id=2aca7027218c1
The event is hosted by xEDU - Fontellin Talo, Siltavuorenpenger 7, 00170 Helsinki, FINLAND
More information, please contact info@SMARTCommunityExchange.com